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Reverend Richie Bell, Jr. is a native of Shreveport, Louisiana. Reverend Richie Bell, Jr. was educated in the Caddo Parish Louisiana Public School System. In 1998 God called him into the Preaching ministry. He is the proud Pastor of The Pilgrim Travelers' Missionary Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana.
Reverend Richie Bell, Jr. has attended several prestigious colleges in his endeavor to pursue a career both physically and spiritually. He attended Commercial College of Shreveport, the United Theological Seminary and Bible College, and the Inter Baptist Theological Seminary.
He's a Graduate of The United Theological Seminary and Bible College, Receiving in 2004 a Bachelor of Theology Degree, The Masters of Theology Degree in May 0f 2006, and he is a recipient of the Doctorate of Theology Degree in May 2009 from the Inner Baptist Seminary and Bible College. Dr. Richie Bell, Jr. also received an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity in May of 2014. He has also authored (2) books, Sunday Morning Volume 1 & 2
You will enjoy Listening, Lending, Learning, and Laboring with him in the Gospel Of Peace. He is a Dynamic Speaker preaching through out the United States Of America.
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